Applesauce Records

Yesterday...and Today

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My name is Maxwell Edison, and this is my story. My story takes place a long time ago, I can't quite remember when, though. It happened like this...

It was 1966, I believe. Ah, yes. I remember now. June, 1966. I had just turned fifteen, and my Aunt Jessie gave me the new Beatles album, Yesterday... and Today for my birthday.

When I got home, I went into my room, turned on the turntable I had in my room, set the speed, and put it on. I put the needle on the record and---

I was spinning out of control, down, down, down... CRASH! I found myself in a store full of records... I walked around, dazed and confused. "What the--- What happened?" I found myself asking. I was still clutching the slick, shiny cover of the record my aunt gave me for my birthday... "I must be dreaming," I thought aloud, "Maybe I fell asleep after I put it on..." I tried pinching myself, but to no avail. "Oh, no!" I said. "This is no dream!" The people behind the counter were staring at me now.

One woman, who just bought a copy of Rubber Soul, came toward me. "She looks just like my Aunt," I thought. "Are you okay?" asked the woman in an accent that sounded just like my aunt Jessie's. "You don't look too good." "I honestly have no idea," I said. "I just found myself here." I wish I hadn't said that. I became afraid that she would call the police and tell them I was crazy. Instead, she asked "Would you like to come to my house and rest?" I gratefully accepted.

She took me to a large red house with a big red barn next to it. She unlocked the door, opened it, and ushered me inside. "Please, lie down here," she said, indicating a large, squashy leather couch. "If you like," she said, "I'll put my new record on." "Please do," I said, because music helps me think better. She fumbled around in her purse, pulled out a small, red pocketknife and set it next to the record player. I was about to ask "What's that?", but she said "My name's Jessica, by the way, but you can call me Jessie." "My name's Maxwell." I said. "I know," said Jessie. "I'm your aunt!"

"Wha-- Aunt Jessie? Oh! It's so good to see you!" I got up and began running at her to give her a hug, but instead, she picked up the pocketknife and pulled out a shining, silvery blade. I stopped dead. "What are you doing?" I asked. "You don't get it, do you, boy?" she said. Her accent disappeared. She pulled off her face, revealing the face of a middle-aged man. He spoke: "I'm not your beloved auntie!" His voice was low pitched now. I backed away, stepping on a small handgun on the floor. I picked it up, and kept it pointed at the man, ready to defend myself. He came at me, but I shot him in the arm that was holding the knife without even meaning to. I ran to the door, down the street, and didn't look back. I went to the police station.

"Sheriff, you've gotta help me!" I cried. "A man tried to kill me!" "Calm down," said the sheriff. "Here, have some milk." He went to a small refrigerator and retrieved a jug of milk. He poured some into a glass. "Now tell me," he said, handing me the glass, "What did he look like?" "He was a middle-aged man," I said, "and he wasn't very tall. Five feet at the most. He had black hair, a mustache, and he wore John Lennon glasses. He was wearing a white shirt---" "Like me?" said the sheriff, pulling off his face, revealing the man I had just described.

I pointed the gun at him. "Foolish boy," he said. "Don't try to shoot me. It won't work." I shot anyway. Ping! The bullet bounced off him, breaking a TV screen. "See?" said he. "I'm a cyborg, sent from the future to destroy you. I disguised myself as your aunt and gave you that record, which was really a time machine. The record brought you here, and now you will die." He ran at me, but I managed to dodge him. I jumped on his back, ripped off the white shirt, and ripped away various wires, trying to do something.

After a few wires were ripped away, the cyborg started speaking, not changing the tone of his voice. "That controls my voice, fool! You'll never defeat me!" But he was wrong. I saw a thick, red wire connected to the back of its head, and pulled it. The cyborg stopped. It started smoking. I jumped off and ran out of the police station. The station went up in flames, and I ran back to the record store. I immediately bought a Yesterday... and Today and put it on a turntable in the store...

I was again spinning out of control, down, down, down... CRASH! I landed back in my room, safe, and not being chased by cyborgs. But how could I explain having TWO Yesterday... and Today records?

The End